Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Take 2!

Time to get back to it!  Our new Worship Leader, Matt Anthony, pointed out that I have not posted to my blog in over three years!  Yikes!  I didn't realize it had been that long.  Truth be told I've been using Twitter and Facebook for so long that I don't think about using blogging.  Well, I want to take another stab at it.  As it turns out I'm actually doing a lot of writing just in various places.  I will try to consolidate my thoughts here.  For some it will be repetitive, but I hope that this will allow me to keep my thoughts straight as well as a place where you, the reader, can access the information that you may not be able to through other avenues.  So, it's March 14, 2013, let's see how I do as we move forward.