Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Coffee for Mom

One of the things my mom really enjoys is coffee. Not the fancy Starbucks with added stuff - just straight forward, black coffee. She likes to drink it all day long. She will drink instant coffee if she has to, but she prefers to "real" stuff. I am trying to go by and visit her daily at the nursing home where she is on hospice care. We are blessed to live just about 4 miles from where she is now residing. While my mom is a coffee fanatic, I am not. I love the smell of coffee beans freshly ground, but all in all I don't care for the taste or smell of coffee, especially when it is old. There is a QT Convenience Store located between my house and mom's nursing home. I decided yesterday morning to stop by and get the biggest cup of coffee they have. She was thrilled when I brought it to her yesterday. Not being a particularly sharp guy, I decided to repeat this gesture today with much the same response - a big smile and a grateful thank you.
While I was reflecting on this today, I realized how the small things matter. The small things that we can do for others can have a significant impact on them. These small gestures are not intended for our benefit, but rather for the benefit of the one we are serving. Granted, we receive a blessing from the service by giving, but that is not the focus - the other person is.
Philippians 2:3-4 reminds us: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."
I hope that I can continue to bring mom a cup of hot coffee for as long as I can. In the process I hope I can not only learn more about serving her, but also show her the love of Jesus Christ.

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